Adult Care Home Licensing & Monitoring

The McDowell County Department Of Social Services' Adult Home Specialist is responsible for the following:

  1. womaninretirementhome.jpgProviding consultation and technical assistance to Adult Care Home licensees and administrators for initial licensure, compliance with licensure rules, and renewal of licenses.
  2. Reviewing and assuring completion of initial and renewal licensure application material.
  3. Monitoring and documenting the Adult Care Homes' compliance with licensure rules, and providing assistance to the licensees and administrators when violations of licensure rules exist and corrective action is needed, with the involvement of DHSR as appropriate.
  4. Providing consultation and techinical assistance directed towards upgrading care and services In Adult Care Homes.
  5. Investigating complaints In Adult Care Homes concerning general conditions or violations of rules.
  6. Investigating reports of unlicensed facilities in the county.
  7. Conducting an annual survey in each Adult Care Home with the Division of Health Service regulation consultants.

The Adult Home Specialist Conducts on-site monitoring visits to each facility In the county on an every other month basis, unless otherwise needed and/or requested by the Adult Care Home.

Contact Information

Donna Shelton
Adult Home Specialist
McDowell County Department Of Social Services
(828) 659-0849


Latoya Godfrey
Adult Home Specialist
McDowell County Department Of Social Services
(828) 659-0846

Heather Greene
Adult Services Supervisor
McDowell County Department Of Social Services
(828) 659-0844

More Information

For more information on Adult Care Homes and a listing of homes by County, click on the web address listed below:

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