Foster Parent Licensing

Foster Parent Licensing

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster family?  Now is the time tofoster care 2 contact us to begin your fostering journey.  We are in need of foster families for all ages.  Contact 828-652-3355 or visit to learn more on how you can help children.

Foster Care Application

If you would like to complete an application to become a foster parent, please click on the following link: Foster Care application. Once the application has been completed, please email to Summer Gilliland at or you can drop off at DSS. If you have questions concerning the application, please call 828-659-0695.

Why Foster???

"We wanted to be parents, yet the stork never came! We grieved, we healed, we moved on, but the desire to parent never left. We could wallow in self-pity or take the lemons and make lemonade. We chose lemonade! We looked into foster care and learned that there are children, through no fault of their own, who need a safe, loving home temporarily and that is exactly what we had to offer! So we took the classes and got licensed.
We were worried the process was too long, but it wasn’t and our licensing worker walked us through every step!
We were worried we wouldn’t know how to parent, but no child comes to any parent with instructions. Each child has different needs. We have leaned on our community of family, friends, our social workers, and the children’s biological families when we need parenting support!
We were worried biological families would dislike us, but they don’t! Understandingly, they are frustrated with the situation. They deserve our patience, respect, and above all to really love their kids well!
We were worried the children would be destructive or unmanageable, but they aren’t. They will be upset with the circumstances and that is when they need us the most!
We were worried we would get too attached and WE DO! We certainly get too attached! However, when you love a child well, you love their biological family too! And we are elated to see a family reunited and thriving!
We became foster parents because we believe that sweet endings can come from bitter beginnings and beauty can come from brokenness! Our biggest regret is not becoming foster parents sooner!"
-Foster Family since 2018

"I became a foster parent because I knew that it would be a tangible way to live out the gospel in my house every single day. I’ve learned patience and kindness while helping kid transition into my home. Faithfulness in knowing that He will provide what we need, when we need it. I have loved kids fiercely, knowing that they aren’t biologically mine. I am learning gentleness and self-control when working with families who are in hard situations that no child should every have to experience. I have felt peace and joy when a family has been restored. And I have felt goodness in knowing that a played a part in each family’s story. Through the thick and thin, highs and lows of foster care, I pray that the gospel shines through. During bath time, cooking dinner, going to doctor’s appointments, sitting through court, crying in the bathroom, and with each first hello and last goodbye. Foster care is bigger than me and you are the gospel in action. This is why I became a foster parent."
-Foster Family since 2018

What is your why?  If you want to make a difference in the world and the foster care 4life of a child become a foster family.  Contact Summer Gilliland at 828-652-3355 to begin your journey. 




Facts and Myths about Foster Parenting

Myth: You have to be rich to be a foster parent.
Fact: You don't have to be rich. You need to be able to provide for your own family without the assistance of the monthly stipend that is received to provide for the foster child's day-to-day needs

Myth: You have to own a huge home.
Fact: Many foster parents rent their house, apartment, or mobile home. Foster homes, whether rented or owned, are required to meet basic safety requirements. Each foster child must have their own sleeping space in the home, but may share bedrooms with children of the same gender.

Myth: You have to be married to be a foster parent.
Fact: Foster parents are married, single, widowed, or divorced. There is no marriage requirement to fostering.

Myth: Foster parents can make a lot of money by fostering.
Fact: Foster parents do not receive a salary for caring for the children in their home. They do receive a monthly board payment depending on the age of the foster child in their home. This board payment is designed to cover the daily expenses incurred by having another child in the home. This is expected to help with food, board, clothing, and other needs of the child in the home. Each child in foster care is covered by Medicaid to meet any medical needs.

Myth: You have to have at least one stay-at-home parent to be a foster parent.
Fact:  Many foster parents work full time jobs outside of the home. If additional care is needed for a child placed in the home of a working foster parent, the agency will provide for day care and after-school care as necessary.

More Information

For more information, please call (828)659-0695 and speak with Summer Gilliland, the Foster Home Licensing Social Worker.

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