What Can My Family Expect During the Family Assessment Process?

1. When possible, the social worker will contact you before visiting your home or your child. During the first visit, the Social Worker will  interview the family together and complete a Safety Assessment.
2. When possible and agreeable, you and the social worker will gather information from people, such as: teachers, doctors, neighbors, babysitters, and other professionals. This process is expected to be completed within 45 days.
3.  From this information, DSS will make a Case Decision. The Case Decision will be one of the following:
a. Services Needed - this means that services are mandatory and a social worker will be in contact with you and your family to begin supportive services
b.  Services Recommended - this means that services are voluntary and you will be given recommendations.
c. Services not Recommended - this means that the case is closed.
d.  Services Provided, Child Protective Services no Longer Needed - This means that the case will be closed if supervision is no longer needed to ensure child's safety.

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